Yuck or Yum?

They're good depending on how fresh and ripe they are. Too old and mushy and they're kinda gross. And sometimes they're not ripe enough so it's like just eating fleshy water. Most times they're very good though!

Pulled pork?
Yum! Especially if you smoke the pork first. Strawberries from the farmers market are almost always amazing though. The stuff at the store (for all fruit and food in general) just doesn't compare.

Really depends. Homemade or good quality canned soup is pretty good. But Cambell's is just alright. I had a can of it when I first got Covid last summer. I am not sure if it from the symptoms of Covid (taste being messed up) but it tasted like I was straight up eating salt water. I couldn't taste anything else. Not the broth, chicken, noodles, ect. Just salt. It was so gross lol.

Reuben sandwiches?