Hitimezone : est
available time : 9 am -12 am
buying : Green furniture set
freebie : perfect apples
pickup or delivery? : Pick-up
Okay. I'll like your post when I'm ready. Please add my 2nd FC.Yes if you could order it for me that would be great.
HiGot it.
Hi! I'm currently waiting for someone to pickup their items. But they haven't been replied back yet, so let me make sure if they're busy. Just a moment!Hey there
I'll open my gates now if you're ready
Hi! I'm currently waiting for someone to pickup their items. But they haven't been replied back yet, so let me make sure if they're busy. Just a moment!
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HiYes total is 30 tbt. I'll let you know when I have them ready. Thank you! c:
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HiI've opened my gates for you to pickup the Green set. I'll wait for another couple more mins. If you're busy right now, let me know when you're available again!
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Looks like they're not available. Sorry for the wait, I'm ready whenever!
I'm on my way.My gate is open
Gate is open.OK coming now.
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I'm available now.
HiSorry, I'm replying late. I was busy with something. Anyway, I'm slightly confused. Am I buying the items or I'm just adding them to my catalogue? Sorry, I'm a bit confused by what you mean
I can now, if you're available.Ah, okay, thank you. That's completely fine then. When can you do the trade?
Okay, I'll open gates when I see you in my friends list. Please add my 5th FC.Alright, let's do it now
Oh, I see. I have their pics but it's not for sale. I can just give you duplicated ones if it's alright with you?