Shop šŸŒ Yuki's Little Bit of Everything šŸŒ

Sorry for the delay, I was in the middle of trade. I'll open gates for everyone down below shortly!
If you're okay with pickup, feel free to drop by. If you'd rather have me deliver, that's fine too! If so I'll come over after these other traders are done. c:

Since your requested items are all orderables, it's no problem. You can just leave the ones you don't need in my town. :)

@Maria of Moonlake
Sure! Bring Katie with you. ^^

I'm ready. Please add my 5th FC that you can find in my signature. Opening gates in a bit!

No problem. ;) I'll let you know once I'm finished with traders. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Gate to town 恩恆恶恤 is open!

Thanks so much! I'm ready to pickup whenever you are!
Hi again!
Mayor: Bella
Town: Rosewood
timezone : EST
available time : now - 12:45 EST 5 - 11pm EST
buying :
freebie : catalog modern wood set and wii u console
pickup or delivery? : pickup
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Update. :)
ā– .umbreon.ā–  FC2 : pickup?
cataloging Alpine set
Isabelle 3DS

ā– perfectpeachā–  FC1 : delivery
(23 tbt)
fruit basket
firefly lamp
jellyfish lamp
hibiscus hairpin
sweets lamp
cacao tree
bunk bed
pickle jar
pop up book
soda fountain

ā– rosierottenā–  FC5 : pickup
(2 tbt)
Half-Eaten Pizza
Game Shelf
Large Alpine Table
Rice Cooker
Display Shelf
Rococo Wall

ā– Becca617ā–  FC1 : delivery
(207 tbt)
etoile's rv
chai's rv
toby's rv
chelsea's rv
epona's rv
wolf link's rv
zodiac animal set
weeding day set
violet screen x2
rose sofa x2
flower bouquet x2
snow bunny
rice cake
hibiscus x4
hanging chair
casablanca lilies
blossom lantern
ā– animeshadowpandaā–  FC2 : pickup
(4 tbt)
14 orderable items
+ cataloging modernwood set
+ Wii U console

ā– Autumn_Leavesā–  delivery or pickup?
(10 tbt)
Boxing barricade
Hamster cage
Deluxe range
Exercise bike
Flower chair
Flower table
Garbage bin
Marshmallow chair
Stained glass lamp
Owl clock
Alpine bed
Astro bed
Blue clock
Blue dresser
Classic screen
Exotic lamp
Exotic table

I'm done with trades and will have to leave for an hour or a little more. If you don't mind me afk in my town, I can leave my gates open for you after scanning in Chai. Let me know if you have time!

Hi! I'm just about to go offline for a bit, will let you know once I have them ready for you. :) Thank you!
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Take the time you need. I'm totally not sleepy yet, so it's cool. It's 1:37AM here but don't worry, I'm not even yawning.
Take the time you need. I'm totally not sleepy yet, so it's cool. It's 1:37AM here but don't worry, I'm not even yawning.
Please spare some of your unsleepiness with me. I'm deadly sleepy all the time! xD
So, would it be okay with you visiting later? I'm totally cool with letting you in while I'm away. If you'd like that, gimme a shout.
Haha, it's no problem, right now I'm occupied with playing a game at the moment, all sweet! Is it possible I order some orderables too?
Haha, it's no problem, right now I'm occupied with playing a game at the moment, all sweet! Is it possible I order some orderables too?
Ah okay okay. And yes, free of charge for the first 10 orderables. After that, 1 tbt each. There's an exception though. If the orderalbe items you need mostly consist of regular sets (such as Alpine set, Cabin set, etc.) that I can just let you catalog, and if you want me order those items, then they're 1 tbt each.
When it's misc orderalbe items, Visual list like MoriDB would help me getting it done a little faster.
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Can I buy your fairy costume for 10 tbc? Idk if I already gave you my FC.

And these freebies:
1 bubble wand
1 pink bunny, 1 pink heart balloon, 1 red heart
1 soft ice cream, 1 pink pinwheel, 1 cyan pinwheel, 1 iceream
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I have a doctor's appointment soon, so can you please wait for a while?
ā– .umbreon.ā–  FC2 : pickup?
cataloging Alpine set
Isabelle 3DS

ā– perfectpeachā–  FC1 : delivery
(23 tbt)
fruit basket
firefly lamp
jellyfish lamp
hibiscus hairpin
sweets lamp
cacao tree
bunk bed
pickle jar
pop up book
soda fountain

ā– rosierottenā–  FC5 : pickup
(2 tbt)
Half-Eaten Pizza
Game Shelf
Large Alpine Table
Rice Cooker
Display Shelf
Rococo Wall

ā– Becca617ā–  FC1 : delivery
(207 tbt)
etoile's rv
chai's rv
toby's rv
chelsea's rv
epona's rv
wolf link's rv
zodiac animal set
weeding day set
violet screen x2
rose sofa x2
flower bouquet x2
snow bunny
rice cake
hibiscus x4
hanging chair
casablanca lilies
blossom lantern

ā– animeshadowpandaā–  FC2 : pickup
(4 tbt)
14 orderable items
+ cataloging modernwood set
+ Wii U console
ā– Autumn_Leavesā–  delivery or pickup?
(10 tbt)
Boxing barricade
Hamster cage
Deluxe range
Exercise bike
Flower chair
Flower table
Garbage bin
Marshmallow chair
Stained glass lamp
Owl clock
Alpine bed
Astro bed
Blue clock
Blue dresser
Classic screen
Exotic lamp
Exotic table

Hi! Sure, I haven't been informed your FC yet btw. So, would I be able to receive the bells in advance? I'm asking this to everyone when it's our first trade. And, I'd appreciate it if you could fill out the form. Thank you. c:

Hi, I just got home as well.

Hi :) Yes, I do. Are you looking for specific pieces?
Hi yuki, do you have any cedar saplings , regular saplings, and elegant mushrooms for sale?