Shop 🐌 Yuki's Little Bit of Everything 🐌

The friendcode exchangerFC5 : pickup
payment received
barbecue spit
empty can
kitchen refrigerator
kitchen stove
operating-room cart
operating table
overflowing trash
pavement floor
retro sink
trash bags
vintage radio
old brick wall

ice creams and soft swirls

milkteadelivery or pickup?
payment received
arched mermaid door
blue chalet exterior - haven't found yet

retrosodasFC5 : delivery
ivy wall x 2
yellow bunny balloon
blue bunny balloon

lsabellaFC5 : delivery or pickup?
(4 tbt)
pink wetsuit

Autumn_Leavesdelivery or pickup?
payment received
Parquet floor
Bamboo grove wall
Veggie basket
Bamboo bench
Disk writer
Giant gameboy
New nintendo xl 3ds
Cash tray
Public telephone
Umbrella stand
Round cloth table
Single rose

Hi, sorry for missing you yesterday. Since it's around 4 am over here, I'll check back in the morning my time. Thank you for putting up with me!
Hey There,

I've found more things I'm interested in.

I want the Cece and Viche RV set.

For Catalog
And Could I also have some perfect fruits???? Any is fine since I only have Perfect Pears.
I will also give you more P. Pears of course! :)
How much would all this be???
Hi :) Here's some quick questions.
Cece's and Vice's RV have the same furniture pieces. The only difference is their clothes. Do you want 2 x each furniture pieces from their van or want just one of each?
And, the princess set is unorderable, which means you can't order them yourself even if you catalog it. Still you want to catalog the set?
Oh.....then uh....

I'll just take one of the RV furniture but I want both outfits. I also want the Princess Set (not catalog)

And some perfect fruit
Oh.....then uh....

I'll just take one of the RV furniture but I want both outfits. I also want the Princess Set (not catalog)

And some perfect fruit
Okay I see. :) The price is below.

Cece's or Vice's whole set (clothes included) ... 20 tbt
The other one's clothes set ... 5 tbt
Princess set ... 20 tbt
Perfect fruits ... free

I would need to ask you to give me some time though, to get them collected as I have some things to take care of irl for next couple days. If you're okay with that, I'll get it started!
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Alrighty. That sounds good to me. Let me pay you now. Also, take your time. It gives me time to also get lots of P. Pears for you.

- - - Post Merge - - -

There, Paid.
We can trade now if you're still here! And don't worry it's fine! I know we'll catch each other eventually so don't stress too much! It's all good!
Sorryyy! I've been being a bit too occupied lately. :c
I'll be available later today!
Also, regarding trades that I haven't heard anything back for long, I'll dump the items in a couple days, so let me know if you still need it. Thank youuuu

The friendcode exchangerFC5 : pickup
payment received
barbecue spit
empty can
kitchen refrigerator
kitchen stove
operating-room cart
operating table
overflowing trash
pavement floor
retro sink
trash bags
vintage radio
old brick wall

ice creams and soft swirls

milkteadelivery or pickup?
payment received
arched mermaid door
blue chalet exterior - haven't found yet

retrosodasFC5 : delivery
ivy wall x 2
yellow bunny balloon
blue bunny balloon

lsabellaFC5 : delivery or pickup?
(4 tbt)
pink wetsuit

Autumn_Leavesdelivery or pickup?
payment received
Parquet floor
Bamboo grove wall
Veggie basket
Bamboo bench
Disk writer
Giant gameboy
New nintendo xl 3ds
Cash tray
Public telephone
Umbrella stand
Round cloth table
Single rose

Mayor KhaleesiFC1 : delivery
payment received
Cece's RV set
Vice's outfit set
princess set
+ perfect fruits

Aww thank you for being so kind as always. ;v; Hopefully, see you soon. Also, I forgot if it's delivery or pickup. Let me know!

@Mayor Khaleesi
Thank you for paying in advance! Hopefully I'll catch you later. c:
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hello!! im back online! took a bit of a mental health break, hope you understand!! ill be online all day today for you to drop off the items!
hello!! im back online! took a bit of a mental health break, hope you understand!! ill be online all day today for you to drop off the items!
Oh it's no problem. Thanks for getting back. :) Hope you're feeling better.
I'm not sure what timezone you're in, but I'll be on and off most of today. ^^
Heyyyy...sorry I was doing College tours all weekend. I will be available today after like 3-4 pm EST. I'm probably gonna go straight home after school.
Hiiii Yuki, sorry for being AMA from last request. I was wondering if I could get the Booker RV set?

timezone: eastern standard time
available time: 7 pm EST
buying: booker RV set
freebie: purple roses breeding pair
pickup or delivery?: pickup
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