Zap Heroes

brawls at noon this sunday, not sure when mkwii is :p
im not busy on friday after all, at least not for long
im busy next friday :p
ok ill join it now

for brawl theres four people joining so far, but i think a few more people might join :p
Just a reminder that theres a SSBB, and MKW Tournament this Sunday.
SSBB will be early for GMT
sorry guys but i wont be on much today, im leaving in 20 minutes and should be back at 2 pm but im leaving to go shop and to a party later so im not sure if i will be online at all today, hopefully i can come on for a little while but i wont be able to host any events today
don't forget that the ssbb tournament is at noon est tomorrow :3
thats not healthy mrmr... :p you should be eating every day
anyone wanna play zapopoly? i have room for one more person in my town

edit: never mind, games over and thad won :3 congrats to him, and he earned another badge