Trading Zen Egg for Rainbow Balloon, Rad Balloon for Certain Collectibles

Who knows if these things are ever going to hit the market again until the next time they're hopefully rereleased. Either way...

πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ Bump! πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ
Hello ☺️ may I please buy your August Birthstone? How much would you like for it?

I'm ready to offer 150 for it, but if you'd like more just lmk!
Hello ☺ may I please buy your August Birthstone? How much would you like for it?

I'm ready to offer 150 for it, but if you'd like more just lmk!
I'd be happy to sell. :)

I assume you would be looking to date trade it for 2015 as per your thread, so probably no message?