Zipper T. Bunny is actually...

It's not Phyllis, because if you get a second Nintendo and visit your main town you can Let one character talk to Zipper T. Bunny and one to Phyllis at the same time in the same town. Maybe it's Rover? Idk that's just a random guess...
It's not Phyllis, because if you get a second Nintendo and visit your main town you can Let one character talk to Zipper T. Bunny and one to Phyllis at the same time in the same town. Maybe it's Rover? Idk that's just a random guess...

Or, like someone already mentioned it in another post, it's Phyllis on daytime and Pelly on
nighttime (when Phyllis is working). And that's how she can be in the town hall while Zipper
is outsite at the same time. I don't know however if it makes sense?

At first I thought it's maybe Tortimer and then I had that crazy theory that its maybe
a human villager (you know, like your character) from another town whose job is to play
the character Zipper T. Bunny, like some sort of a mascot.

Anyway, who ever Zipper really is: He's one of the weirdest (Nintendo) characters ever.
Well we all know that Zipper's look isn't real, but also no one will never know what he really looks like. So you can make up stuff but for real in the game your never suppose to know.