Zipper T. Bunny revealed!


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
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That bunny is givin' me the creeps, man. IT HAS NO SOUL.... Look at it! It's eyes are all.... creepy...
Ohman, I think Zipper T is Tortimer in a costume, like on the Acorn Festival in Wild World :O
Zyphent said:
Ohman, I think Zipper T is Tortimer in a costume, like on the Acorn Festival in Wild World :O
lol, then I would think Tortimer has gone delusional... but thats what happens when you get that old =O
Next thing you know you find him in your room at midnight looking for "eggs". O_O *ominus music*
stormcommander said:
Zyphent said:
Ohman, I think Zipper T is Tortimer in a costume, like on the Acorn Festival in Wild World :O
lol, then I would think Tortimer has gone delusional... but thats what happens when you get that old =O
Well the way he looks, he just looks like a costume.

His Name is Zipper, implying a costume.

What else is the T possibly for?
Zyphent said:
stormcommander said:
Zyphent said:
Ohman, I think Zipper T is Tortimer in a costume, like on the Acorn Festival in Wild World :O
lol, then I would think Tortimer has gone delusional... but thats what happens when you get that old =O
Well the way he looks, he just looks like a costume.

His Name is Zipper, implying a costume.

What else is the T possibly for?

If it was Tortimer you's see him sticking out of it. He's too old to know how to make a costume that good!

t stands for his middle name

zipper means he is zippy =D
Hmmm, guess we'll see when City Folk hits, but im sticking to my guns on this one.

*Dramatic point* THATS NOT A REAL RABBIT.
Hmmm, guess we'll see when City Folk hits, but im sticking to my guns on this one.

*Dramatic point* THATS NOT A REAL RABBIT.

youre sticking to your guns?


Run Zipper run =O
Hahah, thats right Zipper, im onto you.

Im hunting Wabbits, or people dressed up as Wabbits.

Seriosuly, look at those eyes, they're soulless I tell you, SOULLESS!

And the name Zipper is just too fishy to me.
Yah, let's be honest...

He is the new face of evil in AC =O
Yyyeah, I'm thinking it's a costume. It's got to be. It looks INTENTIONALLY bad. Zipper is a clever name for a costumed person, anyway. Whether or not its Tortimer, I'm not sure. If it was, I'd expect him to be hunched over.
Zephent said:
Hahah, thats right Zipper, im onto you.

Im hunting Wabbits, or people dressed up as Wabbits.

Seriosuly, look at those eyes, they're soulless I tell you, SOULLESS!

And the name Zipper is just too fishy to me.
no, the souless eyes came in the gcn version when you reset too many times making you look like Coco...

He looks like the bunny from hoodwinked....
I once had a bad dream when i was 7 i still remember and it was the energizer battery bunny with the drum and i saw it down the street come to my house next thing all i see is a blur..
Nah I don't think it's a costume. As for it's eyes... maybe he likes to get high once in a while?