Zipper T. Bunny revealed!

Storm! OCM ! He double posted.

The bunny is weird either way you toss it. But he's too tall and to straight up to be Tortimer in disguise...
Omg anyone that has it early .. is there weeds if you just leave the game
marioallstar said:
it cant be tortimer he is still in the town hall. I think its redd because his shop is closed :shovel: :hole: ;)
dude, the last post was in 2008

its called bumping, you can get banned for it
Zephent said:
Hmmm, guess we'll see when City Folk hits, but im sticking to my guns on this one.

*Dramatic point* THATS NOT A REAL RABBIT.
Alright, In order to see the Zipper behind him, just talk to him in the back of where hes originally standing and hide a grenade in his overalls! < :throwingrottenapples:
Its Probally Restti Or Pave
Its Not the Mayor Because if You go on Bunny day he is in the town hall
dylpickle said:
we can post on if we want
No, usually we can bump a recently dead thread (about three months is the limit, I believe), but the post has to relevant to the thread. But this is two years, that's way too old. Stop making annoying bumps, idiots. Animefan is correct.