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  • Will let you know when I'm back online tonight. c: Thanks!

    Edit: I know, we were rolling them out really quickly!
    I think we can get them finished tonight. Which will be great before Monday! (Have to work.)
    I'm ready now! (I have only 9 villagers at the moment.) Glad to get an early start! ^.^ (Siblings want to spend time with me in 45 mins.)

    I'll add your FC and drop by! Do you want payment one by one, or all at once at the end?
    It's okay, I'll make it work. c:

    I have something that might tie me up starting at 8, but I could be free sometime after 10. How late will you be on tonight? (We might not get them all done today, sad to say.)
    Hi, there! I saw your thread.
    Here's my order, if this is alright. c:

    We don't have to do them all in one day,
    if it's too much. Gradually is fine, depending
    on when/how we sync up! I can wait for in-between
    smaller orders, too. ^^ Thank you very much!

    Villager(s): Baabara, Biskit, Marty,
    Chevre, Filbert, Gwen,
    Peggy, Tank, Kitt & Willow.
    Availability: Between 6am-7pm EST Sunday (tomorrow),
    4pm-12am EST weekdays.
    Total: 100 TBT!
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