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  • I am convinced that I am just going to be alone going forward. I'm tired being treated like crap in real life.
    It's like every day, there's a new drama on social media. People chasing clout, craving attention, and dragging up the past.
    So you say that you’re a ghost, but you have Molly the duck villager as your avatar.

    Reason why I had to point this out is because there is an interesting coincidence aside. There’s a show called The Ghost and Molly McGee, where one of the main characters is named Molly, and the other is a ghost.
    Oh I think you're misunderstanding. When I say "I'm a ghost" in my signature I mean I just don't get talked too most of the time. I barely have any DMs sent to me these days so I don't talk to anyone unless someone talks to me.

    As for Molly she is just my favorite villager and before you ask this isn't done by me its done by a person on this website by the name Airysuit so credit goes to them. I never heard about that show ever and just so you know that wasn't what it based off. Just thought I clear up the confusion.
    I know it isn’t based on that. It was just a coincidence. My avatar and user title on the other hand, is based on that show.
    I see.
    You know everytime I go into communities I always get shamed on by those who think I'm in the wrong and then when I defend myself I get reported on and banned. I will never understand this internet culture.
    I hate looking at my old threads and posts back when I joined this site. I was a real jerk back in the day.
    Hey, you’re back! I regret not talking to you before your hiatus. I feel like we have a lot of similarities so if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to message me.
    I am already hating 2023 the past couple of days have been really rough. Too many close calls and just so much personal stuff going on.
    Hey, I just realized that these bells were from an actual person and not the Wishing Well accts. First of all thank you! I really appreciate this.

    However, I can’t help but feel bittersweet taking them. I don’t know what has happened to you these past months, but, I wish you well. Take care.
    If you saw my recent postings. You'll know why. If you want me to explain more about it just DM me. Just because I am saying doesn't mean I'm back and I have no plans on returning. Either way it was nothing it just felt like the right to do instead of just hoarding the bells.
    I see. Well, thank you once again. I hope that you find a space that you're comfortable in.
    Tysm! 🥺💜 I am very grateful. Please be ok, if you ever need to talk I am around ✨
    Hey, so I'm not sure what happened since I haven't been online recently and I see you have left so idk if you will see this. But know that you can reach out to me on here via dm if you want to vent. I won't judge :). Sad to see you go. Hope you're taking care of yourself.
    I thought you learnt that you shouldn’t leave when someone thinks something you wrote was ”bad”. I happened to catch what happened and it wasn’t that bad from an onlookers standpoint, you said something that someone disagreed with and they wrote a long post detailing why. It was about medical stuff so it was important to them to inform what they thought on the matter. I hope you reconsider, I know you have left and come back several times in the past and I doubt its different this time. You have lots of people who care about you here and its not good to let one incident push you away again. Accept yourself and that others might not always accept your views but thats life.
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