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Forbidden Fortunes [Closed]

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Back in MY day....
Poyo Puffs
Aug 16, 2018
Silver Moon Jellyfish
Gold Trophy (First Place)
Rainbow Star Fragment
Famous Mushroom


As you wander the carnival, captivated by the bright lights and enticing smells, you come across a wagon unlike the rest. It sits shrouded in shadow and silence. Curious, you approach. A faded sign reveals this to be a fortune-telling attraction, although it looks abandoned. You shrug. You're not sure you believe in that kind of thing anyway.

However, you feel reluctant to turn away. It might be interesting to poke around in there. No one is watching. You pull back the curtain and enter. The interior is dark and musty, draped in multi-colored fabrics. Candles burn low, their flickering light doing little to penetrate the haze of incense.

A soft chanting invades your mind.

"Keeeeha moataa...
Keeeeha mo-nurataa..."

You creep forward, drawn to the source. A midnight-hued panther is seated at a small table, shuffling a deck of cards.

"I knew you would come."

Fanning the cards out on the table, she gazes at you intently, waiting for you to select your fate.​

🔮 Task

Using the template by Mistreil below, create an original Animal Crossing or spooky/Halloween themed tarot card. Name your card and include a brief 50-100 word write-up explaining the meaning of your card. Post your completed entry in this thread by Tuesday, October 31, at 11:59 p.m. EDT.



🔮 Rules

  • Your entry must fit the theme of either Animal Crossing or Spooky/Halloween. A combination of both is also allowed.
  • Your entry must contain both your completed card design and a write-up to describe the meaning.
  • Write-ups must be a minimum of 50 words, but no more than 100 words.
  • Both digital and traditional submissions are acceptable. If you are submitting traditional artwork, please make sure the image quality is clear.
  • Your username must be included on your submission. For traditional art, your username must be added to the entry itself or on a physical namecard alongside it. It cannot be added digitally.
  • One entry per participant. No collaborations please.
  • Your design must be your own work. (e.g.: no pre-existing renders, AI-generated art, stickers, or tracing others' work)
  • Minor modifications to the template are allowed. See the FAQs below for more details. Please ask the host if you are unsure about any modifications you plan to do.
  • You do not need to be an artist to participate, but some level of effort must be apparent. If we feel your entry lacks effort or has been submitted as a joke, then it will not be accepted.
  • Do not edit or change your entry after submitting. Make sure that you are happy with your piece before submitting!
  • All entries must meet forum guidelines. Keep it PG-13!


All accepted entries will receive:
  • 13 Carnival Coins
  • 2 Sideshow Tickets
Staff favorites will be awarded:
  • Sinister Lantern Collectible
  • 3 Additional Carnival Coins

*Please note that staff favorite collectibles will only be distributed once the entire event has ended along with staff favorite announcements. Staff favorites will be decided by internal staff voting.

🔮 FAQs

Can I make changes to the template provided?
Minimal changes are allowed, such as recoloring the lines, adding embellishments, or drawing something that crosses over the lines a bit. However, the template should remain largely recognizable.

Am I allowed to invert the card or template?
Yes, inverted cards play a role in tarot readings, so you may invert your card to represent that. You may also invert the template if you prefer to have the banner at the top instead of the bottom.

Does it have to be a tarot card?
No, oracle cards or other variants of a fortune-telling card are also acceptable.

Do I have to use an existing tarot/oracle card?
No, you are free to create an entirely original card as long as it fits the required theme.

Can I use an existing tarot/oracle card?
You may base your idea on an existing card, but the card name, write-up, and artwork must be your own.

And remember that bad times...are just times that are bad.
Oh my gosh, yes!! I've been hoping there'd be an event like this! :love:
mostly to see everyone else's creativity, but it'll be fun to design one too
I'm probably over thinking this but..

Is the write up about the meaning of the card itself, or about what the individual card could mean depending on the layout and draw of other cards, or can the write up be about different symbols used in the artwork of the individual card and why certian art choices were made?
THE LADYBUG. The ladybug represents happiness found amongst nature. These little bugs are found throughout the spring and summer months. They are small and commonly found on flowers. Your happiness is found in sunlight. Take time to take in the air and feel the sunshine on your skin. Doing so will boost your mood. Who knows, maybe you will spot yourself a ladybug amongst the flowers as well.
Post automatically merged:

SORRY! I accidentally posted before I attached the image

THE LADYBUG. The ladybug represents happiness found amongst nature. These little bugs are found throughout the spring and summer months. They are small and commonly found on flowers. Your happiness is found in sunlight. Take time to take in the air and feel the sunshine on your skin. Doing so will boost your mood. Who knows, maybe you will spot yourself a ladybug amongst the flowers as well.

I don't know much about tarot cards or fortune telling, but here's what I made:

the prestidigitator.jpg

It seems there's a card called "the magician." So I gave it an Animal Crossing spin and created "the prestidigitator," with Sasha as a magician, attempting to perform acts of legerdemain. Probably he should have learned how to tie a tie first. Finding a coat that actually fit him would have also helped, I'm sure. I believe he's about to attempt to pull himself out of his hat. We'll see how well that works. It will be very impressive if he can pull it off.
I'm probably over thinking this but..

Is the write up about the meaning of the card itself, or about what the individual card could mean depending on the layout and draw of other cards, or can the write up be about different symbols used in the artwork of the individual card and why certian art choices were made?
Any of the above is fine! I purposely left it a bit open-ended to allow for creativity. I have seen everything you mentioned in the guide books that came with my decks, so I would consider them all acceptable interpretations of the term 'meaning'.


The Trick Or Treat Card brings mischief. The Jack spirit on this card symbolizes the free-spirit outlook on life and that life should not always be taken too seriously. When drawing this card you will have mischievous adventures with friends. The inverted Trick Or Treat brings mischief upon you. You will be a recipient of many pranks and tomfoolery.
Spilled Bucket Fortune.png

On the next Halloween night, the pumpkin bucket you would obtain would have a hole in the bottom, which will grow once you are done with trick-or-treating. All of the candies you have obtained will fall out of that hole and hit the floor, and every candy that hits the floor will be ruined. Your trick-or-treating experience will be made pointless, as you'll have no candy in the end.

This card symbolizes the idea that sometimes you just have to strut your stuff and not be afraid to let your true colors show! You may not be perfect, but you have a lot of good qualities and plenty to offer. Be bold and go all out! This card is the embodiment of being "proud as a peacock".
Soul of the Void.
This card tells you about an unknown future and darkness. It predicts the end.
Seemingly a bad thing, though when you look closer there is a light of hope.
Endings mean new beginnings, the unknown leads to new solutions.
Starting over again shows resilience.

The moon and stars will bring you the warm of hope, a new sense of love and never-ending dreams.
May your strong soul fill the void of the universe.

Project (20231022094809).jpg
Project (20231022094809).jpg

I wasn't planning to finish so quickly, i wanted to take a couple of days. But i had so much fun i finished it in one day!

This card is about coco, resilience and finding warmth in seemingly empty places. Coco is to many a creepy villager, but to me a happy playful one that's always happy to see me. I like the idea of something appearing as dark and scary, but actually being the source of light and happiness :) so that's how i created this card.
Youve come across.... The Gyroid's Block

Katrina Explains about the card you've chosen from the deck

The Gyroids block is a symbolic card of Pausing to reflect

The scenic perfect house in the distance shows something important to you,

The gyroids blocking is a negative force blocking your positive emotion
Towards something in your life worth loving,

Take a moment to reflect and pay the gyroid attention and reflection,
he will soon disappear

Leaving your visuals to be clearly set on the Important things in life!




The "Market Player" card is an indication of good fortunes to come for any who chose to make an investment, whether that be in turnips, golden beetles or whale sharks. It is said that a certain powerful racoon caught a big break upon finding this card. Bountiful profits await anyone who chooses to barter goods after having this card revealed to them.​
The Blank Slate


Drawing "The Blank Slate" card is a sign for one to start anew. Perhaps it's time to travel to a new land, start a new hobby, or make a new face for yourself. It's time to leave all negativity behind and feel refreshed. However, if this card is drawn upside down, beware. This indicates that a new challenge will be presented soon in the form of a harmless trick. Embrace change for every face tells a story.

Fun fact: The Roman numerals are just my lucky number because I couldn't think of anything else haha
This is a card if ill omen. There is much danger in your future, possibly involving small star shaped holes in the ground(and you falling into them). Watch your step very carefully and maybe, just maybe(but not likely) you can save yourself from the terrible horrible fate that awaits you.
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RUIN - A dire warning that must be taken seriously! If this card is drawn, you must beware. Do not trust anyone. Do not make any large purchases. Do not invest in any stalk market. All of your hard-earned bells will be sucked up into the mysterious figure above, leaving you with the desolate wasteland below. Beware!

✦ ✦ ✦
upright: destruction, despair, misfortune, betrayal
reversed: fortitude, new beginnings, disaster avoided

the red witch's destruction represents an impending calamitous time, signalling great loss or tragedy. hark! for fate has decided its course and will not waver. take great heed and prepare for only fools turn a blind eye to this card's warning.

pitfall seed, top corner decals are bell coins, the eye appears on katrina's rv and the roman numerals are her birthday + 2002, her first EN appearance.

✨ XXX : The Farewell ✨
departures, transience, emotional loss
⭐reversed: emptiness, journeys, new desires
~~ 💫💫💫💫 ~~
The Farewell is the 30th card of this set. It depicts a young secretary reaching for a departing figure in the middle of the night.
When this card is upright, it is read from the perspective of the secretary — expect departures and emotional loss.
When this card is reversed, it is read from the perspective of the departing figure — expect journeys and new desires.
Stitches Tcard 2023 2.jpeg

Upright, the fool represents innocence, new beginnings, & being a free spirit. This fit into the Animal Crossing personality of lazy villagers perfectly. They are happy-go-lucky, unconcerned about what they may encounter in their every day simple life. They exude a youthful energy that may come off naive & unaware. One of our favorite AC lazy boys, Stitches, represents this card beautifully.

Reversed, this card represents more negative aspects such as recklessness, or serve as a warning to not be taken advantage of. It can represent the literal meaning of 'acting the fool', where you disregard the potential consequences of your actions.
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