Revealing the Enchanted Bloom

Oh my gosh- this thing is BEAUTIFUL. Hands down the best Collectible to ever come out if only for sheer complexity.

I need it 👁👄👁
It's so beautiful I could cry! WOW! Congratulations to anyone who's gotten one, that's a keeper for sure.
oh my god this is GORGEOUS !!! brb quickly calculating a lineup around it so i know when to buy my collectibles from the shop 😭
Oh that's incredible. The color shifts are almost hypnotic I swear...

Enchanted bloom definitely wins number one spot for collectibles I'd love to see the full size art of.
that is absolutely stunning, what makes it even more magical is that it was a secret yet to be revealed, just like the flower showcasing its gorgeous blooms! awesome work @Laudine, you never fail to amaze me! 😍💖
I decided to check real quick, and this thing is 951 frames

I knew it was a lot just due to the duration of animation, but holy hell

I was trying to put it in a thread to show my lineup idea but it’s so huge it basically doesn’t upload to the server. So I screenshot it and used a still version instead.

Now it all makes sense haha.