Wagon of Mirrors - That's All, Folks!

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I've made my guess but as usual, I could be wrong based on the perspective of the picture.
Judging by the schedule, this mirror is revealed when the final bottle opens, which is different to the second mirror.
Judging by the time of Justin's post, the mirror should be revealed in 5 hours (at least for me, it's 10:45 Arkansas time)
I made a late submit guess, I really feel like I already know who it is.

(I would have guessed earlier, but Mario Wonder took over my 5 day life away. Thankfully I 100%ed the entire game so now I'm back on the forums!)
Threw in my non-answer for the raffle entry. I had one actual guess I thought about putting in, and if that was actually correct I'll be annoyed, but I'm fairly sure I'm wrong so I just went with a silly answer.
I think I have the answer. I'm pretty sure at least.

On a different note, plot twist: it was actually Boyd the entire time. Justin just doesn't want us to know.
I could see a face but after searching 30 min I just gave up :U Pokémon, Fire Emblem, and Animal Crossing are really the only Nintendo franchises I'm especially knowledgeable about, so if it's not those 3, it's a struggle.
👻 Challenge #3 👻
What Nintendo Character Is This?


(Not Boyd!)

👻 The Reveal 👻


from Animal Crossing!

Well done Sharksheep for submitting the first correct guess in just 23 minutes!
Correct AnswersIncorrect Answers
Most Popular Incorrect Answers
Favourite Incorrect Answers
Monkey D. Luffy​
Favourite Incorrect Answers
Mario having an identity crisis​
Karate Peach​
Hammer Ghost from Luigi's Mansion 3​
Red Pikmin​


Submitted by Laudine


Submitted by amemome

This mirror was created by Justin -- send your appreciation or rage towards them!

Correct submissions will be accepted by myself later today, which will earn you 4 Carnival Coins and 1 Sideshow Ticket. If your submission has not been accepted by tomorrow and you believe there has been a mistake, please message me then.

Thank you so much everyone for participating in this edition of our iconic Mirrors event! I tried to make an effort in ensuring there were some reasonable challenges this time around and avoid those total nightmares we have a reputation for. Thanks again to Mick and Mistreil for their mirror contributions, and all other staff who helped us playtest! And as for the participation raffle, look out for another post from me in this thread a bit later announcing the winner.

I leave you with one piece of wisdom... you must always be wary of any suspicious Reflections!
I’m astounded by how many people actually thought it was a trap and submitted “Boyd.” 😬
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