What is your favorite type of clothing?


Ancient Member
Poyo Puffs
Jul 30, 2006
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Cyan Heart Balloon
Night Sky Scenery
Space Whale Plush
Blue Feather
Thought this might be a fun one. My favorite type of clothing, hands down, has to be hoodies. I have quite a few. It's my "comfort" clothes. I think that's partially why I love the colder weather so much so I can wear hoodies. I really don't have anything super comfortable for the summer time. Crop tops are maybe the closest thing but generally I hate dressing for warmer weather lol.

What about you?
I like hoodies too. Not because I get cold, but more because I like to feel comfortable. Clothing for me is more about comfort than fashion. Its pretty atypical to wear hoodies a lot where I live though.
Henleys! I have sweater ones, thinner long sleeve ones, and short sleeve ones so I can wear them in any season. I just really like the way they look. I have lots of baseball/raglan tees and raincoats too, and I love when I can put on a hoodie, but henleys are probably what I look for the most.
Are hats clothing? I like baseball caps. I always like having something on my head.
i'm a sucker for crop tops and tank tops, and cropped tank tops

i like hoodies too but i don't like when it's cold at all. the most i wanna have to wear at any given time is a t-shirt + hoodie, and maybe a light jacket. i'm ready for winter to end 😩
I think my favourite is hoodies as well! Especially baggy ones. I rarely ever feel cold, not even during winter, so I mostly just wear them for comfort purposes. I usually only get to wear them during late fall, winter and early spring though, since the rest of the year is too hot. Baggy hoodies are one of my favourite things to wear though, and I have plenty of them! I’ve really been enjoying winter, the cold, and getting to wear my hoodies out and about again. 💜

I also love baggy shirts (specifically graphic tees), sweatpants and fuzzy socks! You can probably tell that there’s a pattern; I love baggy, loose, comfortable clothes haha. I definitely want to start incorporating some more kinds of clothes into my wardrobe, but hoodies, graphic tees, sweatpants and fuzzy socks will always be my favourites.
I love sweaters! Speaking of, I really need to get some new ones. ;u; They're the perfect mix of style and comfort for me; a nice soft sweater is super comfy and they're also incredibly cute, and look more dressed up than my usual t-shirts do. If they're slightly oversized and the sleeves are just a little too long then that's like. the perfect sweater imo

I also love the aesthetics of shorts, but denim and I do not get along, so I need to try some other fabrics out. Maybe corduroy? 🤞 Corduroy shorts are adorable. Athletic pants are pretty comfy but they don't have the ~look~ I want hhhh
Also I want to wear my thigh-high socks more because they're way cute!! I love the look of them so so much but again, I'm sadly lacking in comfortable shorts at the moment. Wearing them with long pants feels kinda pointless tbh
Jeans, t-shirt, hoodies, larges ones. Whatever the season. I prefer wearing cotton, synthetic fabrics are not so comfy
I love slightly oversized button-down cardigans and straight or wide-legged jeans/pants. frilly-collared shirts are nice too. girly + comfy 🎀

something like autumn date miku but with brown pants :] pretty close to my style
I'm happy to see I'm not the only one whose comfort clothing are hoodies, lol!
Sweaters (love oversized or simple long-sleeved) and dresses. I like dresses because I don't have to worry about much else (e.g., layering, skirt v.s. shorts v.s. pants, acceasories, the right socks). A cute dress does a lot of work on its own.

I love hoodies for around the house or if I need to go out quickly for something. They're the ultimate throw on and go.
I would say hoodies are my favorite type of clothing for my torso, and shorts are my favorite for my legs. For hoodies, I find them really comfy, and it's nice to have the option to protect my head with the hood and to unzip it or take it off if I get too hot wearing it. For shorts, not only do I find them comfy and easy to wear, it's nice to have part of my legs uncovered so that way they feel a bit more free.
I guess t-shirts are my favorite type of clothing since that's like 95% of my wardrobe 🙃 Although I do really love bohemian style dresses and skirts, I ought to wear them more often.. just gotta find me a couple pairs of shoes to go with them

edit: ooo forgot to mention, I love a good pair of leggings. So comfy!!
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T shirts. They are comfortable. They can be simple or have a cool graphic. The material is unlikely to be see through or get a hole fast. They are also easy to wear underneath a hoodie.
My favorite clothes are, hands-down, hoodies. I wear them all the time, they're just so comfortable. 😭 Sweatpants and baggy shirts are my next choices.

If we're talking about a specific type, then I would say band shirts/hoodies. I have one of my favorite band/album and I love seeing others wearing band merch!
Ideally at home, I wear an oversized T-shirt and sweats. Enough to be presentable to answer the door if need by, but not fancy enough to go outside to go to work in.

I am of the idea that you should be comfortable when you are home. Outside clothes for work are no where as comfortable as being home in whatever clothes
I like loose drawstring pants and an oversized t-shirt (my pajamas LOL). I also love anything with big pockets.
sweaters, skirts and dresses. i just realized that i have a bunch of off-shoulder tops too so i guess those are my favorites too if that counts!