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  • you know me too well ;) I put my order in. Boy is it a long one to explain. I tried to over explain everything so you would get it all right I guess I went a bit over the top with like a whole paragraph haha
    Hi, so...I was supposed to get some tbt back from some pokemon trade, like 50-100tbt and they can't be online to do it until tomorrow so now I don't have enough tbt, I have like literally 6tbt. Is it possible for me to pay you tomorrow since I doubt there's any way of me getting 24tbt like now.
    hi! since you're going on vacation tomorrow, would you have enough time to make a sig?
    oh yeah also are you sure you can't participate at all? i was looking at the paint bucket challenge (idk if u saw them already so sorry if u already know lmao) and all you do is color the line art , one per week and it doesn't even have to be good ^~^ ? so idk you might be able to do that and then theres a main one that earns you 5 tickets or the tetris collecitible if ur their fave, but ehh yeah that photo is very complex lmao. im going to try it just for the 5 tickets some time
    ahh im looking at the contest board & it seems pretty cool! one i saw was basically creating your ideal villager and designing their room, which is def something I can do.
    i've never participated in a fair before but i originally thought it was just all art contest and only good artist got the collectibles, so im happy its not like that
    im checking it out right now!~
    the collectibles are rlly rlly cool, esp pinky ? she kinda goes w/ my avatar colors.... imagine.... a full line of them lmao.
    I'm not a big feather fan but the sweet one looks cute c:
    hey i resized the picture to 100x100 and it worked so thank you ^_^ (that person didn't pay what they originally were so i'm slightly angry lmfao)
    i love your new thread by the way ^.^ i definitely will order today, or when you get back from vacation so you can do more!
    umm.... *SCREAMS*

    this is literally perfect ;_; i also love how you were able to do the lacey sleeves with the skin showing through! talent c;
    sending your btb now <33
    So sorry - can I add some last minute mini banners? >.< "Adopted" "Voided" "Waiting List" - I promise that's it!
    eyyy -high fives- same fam
    honestly i love traveling but packing is such a pain in the ass i can hardly ever psych myself up to actually going anywhere xD
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