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  • god no i totally get the perfectionism thing
    when i pack for somewhere i end up like, completely emptying the suitcase and restocking it at least five times
    and even then i STILL somehow always manage to miss something important?? i have no idea how and it i r k s m e
    oh yeah, didn't you drop like 2k on yonkorin or smth?? i'll never understand how you have so much tbt xD i mean i know you're an artist but still.
    (honestly i feel the only people on this site who are 'tbt rich' are like, artists and people who have just hoarded tbt since like 2013, lmao)

    i'm happy you like my character ♡ it's ok if you don't get to hers quickly, i know you're super busy right now. don't overwork yourself!! especially with trip planning, i know first-hand that nonsense is stressful as heck. pacing is everything~
    my 3ds is charging right now, will you be around in a couple hours?
    (also figured i'd ask if you wanted 100 more clovers too for one of those busts-- i sent a form because god yes-- or do you actually want tbt for that because i can do either just fine, just wanted to know)
    hey i made an avatar for someone on here but it is a bit blurry.
    i'm p sure its 300x300, which is the size you make your avatars in right? do i have to draw bigger or something? ^^
    (and here's the picture just in case) http://imgur.com/ebFeQkx
    Id like the signature to be about as tall as the sig pic I already have, and you can use whatever part of the background you'd like, but try to get as much as possible in there. Thanks! :)
    lmao i never had a problem with tom nook, because i too am a greedy lil money hog
    the only time he ever made me mad was in the gamecube version when i showed up to work in a casual outfit and he yelled at me. like BOI WHO u think ya talkin to?~
    oh my god yess!
    i forgot you'll be getting your tablet before halloween, im so excited to see what you'll draw!! :O
    I need to start practicing, esp cause of that summer art trade i signed up for, i've yet to even start on it lolol & I should do that now before schools starts & im busy
    wahh i tried to change my sig to the new one but the site is still being a butt ;-;
    ill do it tomorrow!
    btw do you still have the link to the signature you made me but in the heart form?
    i recently restarted my laptop so i lost all my links, and i like to change up my sig c;
    actually now that i think of it the signature you made for molly of redrum as well!
    when it's halloween ill be using that & just have you change the name then (w a tip of course)
    oh wow thank you! i appreciate it a lot that you do these edits for free :,)
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