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  • Yeah. I just need felicity to ping me to move, and someone who wants her to come get her. But I have time.
    :D :D :D yay!!!!! i'm happy i could help you out :3 and thank you for that offer!! i might take you up on that eventually, lol. have a great day <3 <3
    Hey! Sorry about that, I replied back to your PM! It took some time to empty my mailbox though, so thanks for the patience! :blush:
    The gold badge for the island medal... you need to earn 3,000 medals to get it so just check how many medals you have now and subtract by 3,000.

    thanks for replying to my island medal thread

    Yeah the game in English is called Scavenger Hunt, I like that one too. I find the Elite Ore hunt game fun too! The tuna kahuna is nice, thats where I can actually earn 20 medals but every time I play, the game is not there at the island tour
    hi! sorry it took a while to reply, ur order is ready. tell me when your gates are open, also don't forget to add my second town fc in red
    I couldn't stand looking into those eyes of his anymore. I'll be super glad if Muffy doesn't take to long to plot.
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