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  • Thank you for the sig I ABSOLUTELY love it !! It was exacty what I wanted omg
    Hi! I absolutely love it. One thing though, could you put my mayor pixel and Marshal under the arch instead? Also thank you for updating my PC sig! :blush:
    Hi! I’m so glad your shop is back open. I made an order as soon as I saw the re-opening lol. Would you mind adding Kicks to my Pocket Camp signature while I’m thinking of it? :)
    I did! ♡ It was a lot of fun! My parents went all out for my bday lol I'm the youngest so me turning 18 was a bigger deal for them because they don't have "kids" anymore haha
    yeah im fine now thank u <3
    i mainly just got a long gash & a burn on my right leg & bruises here and there. the cut was from the airbag going off under the wheel too so that shyt burned ;---; I was more mentally hurt then physically in the moment lmao i was terrified :s cause i was legit confused that i made a wrong turn until after the crash. WHICH REMINDS ME my insurance company + my mom asking me details about stuff that happened is annoyng me so much; like theyll be all did your airbags go off when you hit the first vehicle or when the other hit you? BOI???? um i was expecting to take a simple left turn and was crashing in the matter of a second idk who is where and is doing what so shut up =___=
    i bawled my eyes out the whole time it was so embarrassing there was cars everywhere looking at me when i had to get out and go in the ambulance.
    i just got in a car crash an hour ago... basically i turned left into a on ramp that was a one-way so i hit someone coming off the freeway

    i was driving to my bf's and for some reason my GPS sent me another way and it made me go in a circle so i was on like the other side of the road then what i'm used to and it told me to turn left but it was too early i was supposed to turn at the next ramp and i hit someone then someone else hit me and the airbag burned through my sweater and burned part of my arm and i have a gash on my leg, pretty sure i'll bruise everywhere. when i hit him i felt my face hurt but i don't see any marks?? ;// idk dude maybe tomorrow more will just be bruised
    ahh same here ;-; i never get on my acnl much anymore. I wish I did. I had so much free time that i just ended up doing nothing this "summer" (aka my 3 weeks off) cause i'm just like oooo i'll play tomorrow, or later ya know. maybe i'll play more when school starts c: cause i really wanna finish Sematary before October

    I was thinkin of drawing one of your characters. i have your toyhouse so i might ;p haha
    I don't have much interest for the app anymore tbh ;/ too repetitive
    I hope they come out w/ a new animal crossing game soon.
    and thank u hun!! ;D i really like the way it came out too. I might practice more today <3 i'm tryna find my style and then hopefully start to practice digital art too
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