A r i a n e

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  • Hey again! Just wondering - what fonts do you use for your text signatures and the one you use for your headers on your signature shop post? More specifically, the calligraphy/handwritten ones?
    Hey! Do you mind if I put a link to your shop in my signature like with a credit to you in it?
    Of course! Thanks so much for your great work. (And always happy to make someone laugh.)
    Hey! I've got a quick question.
    Do you have a link of the Étoile sanrio sprite?? I need it for tumblr lol
    I completely forgot to ask you to remove the dream address! I'm so sorry ;-;
    If you could do that and send me the code again that would be amazing
    Could you leave them in empty? That would be great thank you so much! And are sure about it being free? I really don't mind paying you ;w;
    Oh, I was curious. Is the perfect cherry basket supposed to flicker on and off on the signature? It’s okay if it does, but just wanted to know. :>
    Ahh, thank you!! I’m so sorry for the trouble, Ariane (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`). You did a fantastic job with everything like you always do! I love it! <3333
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