A r i a n e

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  • also regarding the pokeball (too lazy to switch to PM) i totally FORGOT your a pokemon fan that makes me even more irked i would of looooved if i snagged that up and got it for you tbh cause i know you'd cherish it.
    I hope who'ever bought it though actually wanted it & doesn't resell c:
    that seller was v generous
    I def will since I only need 3 and have til the end of today c: thank you for wanting to help tho ur a sweetheart <3

    I took some of my meds to help me study and im just thinking... i'm so mad i have to take anything to focus to begin w/ like i seriously ENJOY studying tbh when i'm not feeling overwhelmed & unfocused? idk i just like to learn new things & get good grades it gives me confidence. but why i need meds. f my brain tbh lolol
    sameee, i spent money back then because if i spent lets say $2 on tickets it would get me what I needed. but now it's like if you spend $2 that gives you ONE cookies lmfao.
    I was freaked last night cause i got a notif saying the event is ending soon so i tried to finish up my quest but couldn't :// i still need 3 queen bumblebees. I was going to be piiissseddd cause then I wouldn't of had the last item. I've been busy w/ school and i can't just pop out my phone in college to play pocketcamp so i havent been playing much ;-;
    oh yeah and my mom got a free laptop (cause shes a disabled veteran in college so she gets special shyt lmao) and she's giving me her old laptop after she wipes everything off it c: and she got that laptop maybe a year nd a half ago? so it's still new ;-; yay! now i will be able to go on Photoshop & maybe i'll try working on digital art
    i knowww right!! I saw a thread in the PC section and someone was saying that they're making the events easier but also the prizes lame (which... true...) and all of the rlly cute items will just pop up in fortune cookies like they have been =_______= UGHH!!! w/e though. I used to buy tickets but i'm not anymore. not b/c the prices of the tickets aren't fair it's just the AMOUNT of tickets needed for cookies + the special crafting items. no ty!!
    It reeaalllyyy has. I've been fine, I haven't been active because of school, I usually do gomework all day and never have time to come on here or play acnl. School gets out on Wednesday though so I should be back <3 I see you've opened your new signature shop! It looks great :)
    Thank you so much <3

    For Magnolia I'd like you to remove Vladimir and Marina and replace them with Bea and Ike.

    For Whoville I'd like you to remove Mint, Bea, and Dobie and Replace them With Alice, Murphy, and Bianca.

    All villagers still obtained as usual, thanks again <3
    Hey Ariane! Long time no see, hope you've been well! I was wondering if it's okay to request you update the villagers in my signature since I have changed them a bit? :)
    wowiee thank you ariane <3 and yes correct, i want star shapes that adds to the overall shape!!
    i also copied the html link you provided, i tried to save and it said "remote file too large" :)
    hi ariane <3 thank you so much for the signature!! though i have some changes if it's alright... please accept my small tip ฅ( ̳͒•ಲ• ̳͒)♪
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