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  • Wahh! I love it! *0*

    Would you be able to cut Komorebi’s GIF a little short so that the big leaf doesn’t flash across? If not, I can try to find a different GIF.
    Hey I saw the issue with your shop, maybe this link will help? [ X ]

    I often find that googling an issue I'm having helps most of the time, so maybe that's an option for you. Hope you get your issue solved!!
    aa it's so cute thank you so much!! <3 the snail background looks great thanks for fixing it :')
    Hey! So I've been making signatures for a bit now and it seems as if I've run out of places to find backgrounds/shapes . Your a huge inspiration to me and I wanted to ask you if you had any links I could use to find more backgrounds and shapes? I already read your FAQ on your Signature Shop but that didn't seem to help...If you can help that would be great! <3 Tysm!
    ohhh i just looked at the event crafting furniture. honestly i think the dress is fugly & idk about the wig. i likeee it but it looks rlly short :c
    I wish they would let us try stuff on?
    I really like the shoes though!!! esp the one with the pink heart ;---; maybe i'll start wearing shoes now c;
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