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  • Ok, I will be online by then!
    I will add your FC, so I can see if you come online.
    Can you give me a time you are online?
    Since I can not see when you are, it might be helpful! :)
    Thanks for letting me know!
    I'm 5 hours ahead of you, my timezone is GMT+1, so I hope to catch you online today! :D
    Whoa that was fast! I just got back from work, and have you added to my friends list. Are you still up by chance?
    Edit: I'm heading to bed but should be up around 9 est.
    hmm i can't really connect right now
    can you maybe shut your 3ds off and on again, that usually works
    i'll do it too
    Hey Sally
    I'm making a town full of my friend favorite villager
    And we'll I think you can be one of my 9 friends
    So which one it's your favorite
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