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  • Hiya thank you so much for the offer ^^ But I managed to get him from someone else a few days ago, sorry to be a bother ^^ :( thank you so much for holding him and letting me know. :) I appreciate it so much<3 I will keep a look out if you have Diana or Lopez ^^ Thank you so much and I hope he can or has gone to a nice home <3
    Hey I know I said I'd lurk for sheep but right now I need a cranky! And I used to have Elvis in my old town too... I miss him, so it might be nice to have him for a bit! So whaddya say? May I have him?
    Alright, she is actually in my town now since my cousin had a wifi void, but thanks though!
    Awesome! I'll be floating around the trainstation just let me know when your gates are open~
    You still online D: I've added you sorry for being so behind, as soon as your ready I'll take her off your hands let you get back to cycling :p
    Hey I was about to go to sleep and only just seen your message I will pick her up tomorrow if it's alright ^^; sorry for late reply
    Hiya is Zell available to be reserved? He is a big dreamy of mine as I want all of the deer villagers in my town eventually :) ^^ Many thanks :)
    Hello, thanks for holding her for me! I'm available to pick her up for the next couple of hours if you happen to be available :) If not, I'll be on from 9 am tomorrow (7 pm your time)
    Hey! Thanks for letting me know about Drake, but I just realized I can't take him because I found out I haven't finished the 16 villager cycle. Thanks anyway :)
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