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  • Hello, thanks for holding her for me! I'm available to pick her up for the next couple of hours if you happen to be available :) If not, I'll be on from 9 am tomorrow (7 pm your time)
    Hey! Thanks for letting me know about Drake, but I just realized I can't take him because I found out I haven't finished the 16 villager cycle. Thanks anyway :)
    Hi, thanks for notifying me! Is there any chance you still have him? Unfortunately I'm plot resetting another dremie right now after which I need to move someone out so if you do have him, I wouldn't be able to adopt him yet. But I see it's night where you live and if you're sleeping, I might be able to get this done without inconveniencing you. :)
    Update: Tangy is all settled in and I have room in my town!
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