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  • Hooray! Thanks so much. How long can you hold her?
    Sorry for these late replies- Im basically cleaning my house and occasionally running to my laptop to check messages LOL
    Ah, ok. How much for her? And what about her is unoriginal? House, phrase, clothes?
    Just curious c:
    Can you hold her for a fee? I need to move someone out and I will be off of tbt for 1-3 hours, as I need to clean up a bit around my house. i can pay up to 120 tbt for her, plus a hold fee of your choice :blush:
    Also, is she original?
    Is lolly still available?

    I am extremely sorry for the late reply, I went off my computer for a while because my cat had to be showered lol.
    Hi, I know I'm really late and she might be gone but I'd still like her!
    hi! thanks for getting back to me re: cousteau! i was just reading through the recent replies and saw that someone else reserved him before me. would it really be ok to take him?
    Thx For telling me can I get her in 2hours? Because I need to do homework real quick and I also have other things needed to be done before I can play
    ok! I was hanging out with Roscoe at his house, so I've been distracted lol.... opening up to Olympus now, just come whenever
    ok! I will make sure I still have your FC and then open up to Olympus... if you want some time, I can hold him if you think you can free a spot up for him soon, by like tonight EST... I have work at 4pm anyway
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