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  • Hi! Sorry for being so late. I can take him whenever you're available today or tomorrow! I'm in the EST time zone.
    I managed to move someone out! Let me know when you are free. I should be home for most of the day ^^
    Hi! Sorry, I wasn't home all day x.x I don't have a free space at the moment but I will try to TT someone out in the next hour or so if that's okay ^_^
    oh im sorry I dont have room! :( please give it to the next person and im sorry for the inconvenience
    You're toooo nice! omg thank you. finishing up with Isabelle now and will log on mayor shortly. :)

    edit: ready to visit & invite Kyle ~
    Aaaaahh!!! I've been laying out paths and haven't plot reset for poppy. omgx-x is it okay if I take like 10 -15 mins to get her in a good spot? I have temporary pwps laid out for plot resetting so it shouldn't take long at all. so sorry D:
    edit: unless I can invite two villagers on the same day? o.o I've never tried it but probably not..
    Hey this is pretty embarassing since i only reserved him today, but i gotta cancel the reservation for bob. I was so unsure weather to keep stitches or take Bob and i got my tenth spot filled in now and decided to stick with stitches to get warm with him. Thank you anyway though!
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