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  • Oh, wonderful! I'll add you in a moment. When would be a good time for me to come and pick her up?
    Yeah... But. I should be in bed rn, and I won't be available until after school tomorrow @________@ Can you hold him for a little bit longer? @v@
    Hi, I tried making space for colton but no one will leave! Sorry, i can't take him anymore :(. Thanks anyway :3
    Hey. Sorry, I just got your message. I've been super busy with school and family issues that TBT got put on the back burner and I took a little break from the site. I am back and I am still looking for Flurry if you get her again by any chance :D thank you so much for looking out for me though. I really appreciate it!
    Ohh >_< sucks! but it's okay haha - i actually got Wendy from someone else yesterday! But i hope yours can find a good home~

    thanks so much though! ; u; i'm still trying to plot reset her and she's not cooperating haha i hope i don't mess it up..
    Aw sweet! would it be possible to hold her till 9pm pt or so just like last time? will be working as usual haha.
    thanks for letting me know about wolfgang! unfortunately he's probably gone to another home by now. ^^; thanks anyway :D
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