Yeah, it really is annoying how some people (who are higher up) get the advantage to take the rare amiibo. Heck, I cashed in over $70 just to get the splatoon amiibos.
Yeah, I have heard some stories that Gamestop workers are hoarding the amiibo for themselves to sell. Not sure if it's true but it seems somewhat reasonable.
Nice, you got some connections. I'm planning on getting mine on ebay, plus the only wave fours I found are really pac man and wario, which I both picked up at Toys R' Us too.
oops i forgot that i read this while at work and forgot to reply earlier ; A;
yes i still do need a lot of help O: but i may have some trouble with it since for some reason i cant join regular rooms but friend rooms may still work
this is KIND OF embarrassing buuut i need help with yoshi, do you think you could help? im really not very good at the game so if you dont wanna waste ur time its okay