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  • I'm a master at Kirby if I say so myself. Will do. Sometime this weekend works great for me.
    It's almost 2 am for me. Im pretty tired as well, but i was just seeing if ya would still be down. I wouldnt play my best either, but any matches with ya would be fun.
    We can try tomorrow if you're too tired :p
    GGs Akatsuki. Those were some great matches, I gave it my all but you're just a bit more on top.
    Congrats on winning the tourney. Eh 2nd aint too bad haha
    As soon as I saw Yoshi I was about to hop off the stage haha but I went out swinging.
    Glad you saved the replays, as I forgot too (oops)

    With Pac-Man, I don't know what happened. I had the trampoline out, and it gave me one bounce, and then i just fell lol. Perhaps I recovered too late and the trampoline was too low? I don't know haha but great games.
    holy hell
    those were some extremely close games(except for the last one what kind of dumb luck is that to draw Yoshi hahaha) but great games man

    i'll catch ya in the finals
    Hopefully it doesn't take that long.
    I'm glad I made it 16 people though haha.

    Anyway, I hope fate is on my side! (ps: i have room up now)
    Good, I love Yoshi players who play like that, it's so much better to lose to a good Yoshi than one who just plays Yoshi because he's high tier.

    I tend to play with Dark Pit/Pit, The PSI kids and sometimes the Dong, however I'm trying to learn him better lmao.
    Yeah, I'm glad it's moving fast haha.
    It's always the Loser's Bracket that makes thing stagnant, though.
    Hopefully that picks up steam this next round!

    Can we do it in about 10 minutes or so?
    Looks like we are up against each other in the Randoms tourney.
    It's semifinals, so this is Best of 5.

    I'm free most of the day today so we should have no problem getting the matches done.
    Good luck!
    Ohh ok! That'd be cool :B

    Just hit me up, I bet you're gonna be hard to take down tho.
    Also judging by your name that you main/use Yoshi a lot, I hope you aren't like the ones on FG tbh
    Oh man so no more today?
    Sorry i was awake when you posted but ate first since Im hungry when i wake xD I mean we can try tomorrow, but it wont be early. im staying with my friend tomorrow since hes giving me a ride and i wont have a wii u to play tomorrow until late.
    Dang, really was satisfying huh? lmao
    I can't even D Throw to UAir with Diddy ;_;

    And yee, weekends would be ace to fight me on.
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