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  • I noticed you never use Yoshis B move. It's really good for racking up damage and messing with people who shield too much (maybe I was moving around too much for it?).

    That and the lack of edge guards since I always went low and came up fine. Falcon is veeeery susceptible to edge guards, Yoshi Bair might spike against stage with no tech? Don't play Yoshi enough to know that for sure but you probably could've gotten me with some of those.
    Pretty much get a lead and spam eggs with good spacing and abuse Yoshis Nair out of shield if they get close? This game has too much to think about, Yoshi is a really good character so there are many options.
    Demo had a training area but I don't think it even goes to that anymore.
    You just gotta wall falcons out and make them desperate n stufff who knows
    gg's man, close n fun.
    I always make the comebacks, I don't expect to but then I do.
    Yeah demo was just a limited time thing, you can check out some vids of it online if you want to see how it plays.

    rooms up
    It's pretty fun getting into an all TBT lobby in it but it also has a lack of content at the moment so you might wanna wait a bit until they unleash more free dlc on us.

    Me or you host? gl hf
    So did you wanna get these finals over now?
    Then I can go back to Splatatatatatatoon
    BTW I need a bit more help. I have struggled with mains since I got the game. I began with Marth, then Lucina and then Toon Link. I then moved on to Rosalina and Falco. I continued with Falco, Toon Link and Rosalina for awhile. Then I dropped Rosalina for Yoshi, Yoshi was my main main for quite some time and I dropped everyone els. I then dropped Yoshi and Picked up Toon Link and DDD. Latley I have started to use Ganon along with Zelda and Mii Brawler and Lucina from time to time.

    As of now I play as DDD, Falco, Lucia, Zelda, Mii Brawler and Ganon and Shulk some times aswell. I feel like this is a bit to much and I should drop most but the ones I am the best with (DDD and Zelda) and pick up someone els.

    The game gets boring to me if I only play 1-3 fighters but at the same time I want to become good at the game. Whom do you think I should pick up? I think Rosalina but I'm not sure
    I have no idea why I used Ganon, I picked him up like 2 weeks ago (no Johns doe)

    Up for friendlies? It might lag though :/

    Also... any tips?
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