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  • I have a tournament match with someone rn so I'll VM once it is done incase you want to do friendlies :)
    Oh dear, I am terrible at giving tips but like... I watched Zeros guide on Cpt. Faclon and he said to use alot of Up-Airs so like... do that, I guess? lol

    Also, beware of the Gordos, unless you have a super quick move that can reflect them, don't bother; just shield. Like, letting DDD do his "thing" and then going in to kick the fat birds ass can probably work.

    I'm having trouble with Yoshi and Ness, any tips?
    Ah yes, the dread shield breaker butt. I tried to let go of shield but r.i.p to that.
    One of my strong points is avoiding kill moves so yeah, that usually drives people crazy.
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