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  • hahaha, I didn't know that was your sibling until she said something... I guess its only fair, family and honor and blah blah blah ;)
    eff.... I knew this day would come. But yeah that works, whenever works, I don't have anything scheduled really
    Thank you so much for the additional explanation; it was a big help! It is very nice to meet you.
    Oh no! I have rupees in Death of the Wild too! What is wrong with me?! Maybe I will waste 1,000 rupees on that kid's stupid weapon quest. I am more offended about losing the ancient core though.
    Check it out! I have 1,001 tbt! I don't think I've ever had that much tbt before. I usually spend it on stoof.
    Indeedy, the update is amazing!

    Thanks for the compliment!! <3

    Would you want to hear something that happened to me today? I would just spring it on you, but I don't want to bore you.
    Indeedy, the update is amazing!

    Thanks for the compliment!! <3

    Would you want to hear something that happened to me today? I would just spring it on you, but I don't want to bore you.
    I love how Itachi looks all angry and serious, but is wearing a Santa hat and has candy and sparkly egg collectibles. lol You should hide something and make the Yoshi egg come back too. :)
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