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  • You're welcome! Yeah pokebank is sort of pricey!
    I'll probably offer some sort of transferring service for those who don't have pokebank when transfers are allowed
    Sandygast cannot learn sludge bomb sadly
    anything you'd like to replace that move with?
    hey just to let you know the editing might take about 10 minutes or so since I'm doing some other orders at the same time!
    Lemme know when I can edit the pokemon for you! I see you're online, so just shoot me a message and I'll get online
    Yeah you're not asking for too many changes so it's 30
    I have a couple acnl trades to do right now though, how long do you think you'll be on for?
    No worries! I'm free for the rest of the day so just message me when you're on
    Ah I see.. Well I'll be free tomorrow for sure. I don't think I'll have much tomorrow
    Hopefully I can catch you then
    Sure I can teach it HP water instead lol. Yeah HP dark is perfect IVs haha.
    That's great though. If you're on now, I need an hour or two to finish up an essay. But I'll be free afterwards
    that's so strange
    I literally saw you 5 min ago. Hmm you pressed the wifi symbol at the bottom right, right?
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