I think people are very good to those they care about, or those who can do something for them. I remember a saying about how you can tell the true character of a person by how they treat those who can do nothing for them. That is one saying I live by. I try to be respectful to everyone who approaches me, no matter if I never met them before. I have had students even thank me for that after they show up to my tutoring sessions. One even hugged me. Heh. Some even approached me, one of their fellow students, because they were too afraid to ask their instructor. I see instructors all the time ignore students. I greeted one professor recently with 'Hello, Professor [insert last name here]' and the nod of my head, but they simply kept staring at me then turned to walk away without saying a word. Even earlier, one professor got a wave from me after I recognized him, but he said not a word, and kept walking on. You can bet your top dollar that if I was holding their money they'd say something.