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  • heyy . i heard you have ACCF && was wondering if you wanted to wifi :)
    if not thats fine . thanks .
    - MickiBoo xxx
    Really? Damn, that's a shame :(

    True, I think it's about time I got off my lazy ass and checked them out.

    Yay for blue!
    Xbox? That's probably what I'm getting it on.

    "I missed it" As in, I didn't know you had a Rayman LP going on. I think I remember you doing the Braid LP. But I never really watch LPs because I don't want the games spoiled for me D:
    So what're you doing up this late? >:/ /Doesn't know what time it is over there

    I've been thinking about getting Orange Box =D want to play the first Portal/Team Fortress.

    Ah, LPs =O I haven't signed into my Youtube account in awhile, so I guess I missed it D:
    Hah, i hate how sometimes the darkest thing becomes the brightest thing in your room when you try sleeping.

    So hey, what's up? Any good games that you're playing?
    I'm sure they'd listen, just take a couple weeks to actually do it :p

    I think that sounds good, but I think a sleeping mask might be good too, it's kind of bright in our room.
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