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  • Thank ya. Before I start searching I'm gonna need to start sleeping/waking up earlier, Incase I have earlier shifts.

    That's probably a good idea. Although I think I'm just gonna ask my Dad about it. :p

    Hey, don't beat yourself up. Persistence, my friend. Persistence.
    Heh, nothing.

    I'm doin' good. As usual my activeness from this site is kind of decreasing with reasons going on that I've talked to you about like 50 times.

    How about you? Still job hunting?
    Why thank you, HungryRooster.

    Remember the day before the back in the day when you were all jerky? And now you're all nice and stuff. :') My little Andy's growing up *sniff*
    Haha, well it's great to know you're still around! :D Too bad the forum is pretty much dead.
    It used to be so lively ;__;

    Maybe sometime we should hold that occasional FH party.
    Wikipedia says nothing about Steam, although you can get it for windows apparently. (Probably be hard to get though.)

    So hey, does anyone visit ol' FH?
    It does get a bit repetitive at times, and grinding can get boring, because you might need to.

    Sorry, i should've given it a better review instead of just praising it :p What part did you stop at?

    KoTOR 2 isn't on steam? :O That's a shame.
    Ah, that's understandable. Just not your cup'a tea.

    So what'd you think about that little plot twist for KoTOR? And did you ever get the 2nd one?
    I'm in the same boat, tbh. Just been playing a couple games.

    So hey, you ever finish any of those games you bought? Kotor, DQIV, etc?
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