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  • Not the hair! D= but thank ya =P

    I really do want to think that, but i guess i'm a little too self-conscious.
    Oh yeah, i think i have that, or atleast my older bro bought it and i played it.

    Didn't get into online that much, since you could just use that electric coil thingy and kill 'em without even aiming.

    So... Tomorrow's my birthday, at 16, i'm probably gonna start looking for a job... But my social skills are crappy so i'm kinda... nervous D=
    Ehh... not too bad, controls sucked, and online would sometimes pit you against like 3 guys, depending on how the host sets the rules. But hey, i didn't need to pay for it since my brother got it.

    And i did wanna play a FPS for the portable system, for some reason.

    Really? What kinda game was it?
    It also got some pretty good reviews.

    Although sometimes i can be pretty amused by mediocre games.
    Only problem with some of the quests is that they're repetitive, and take some patience.

    For instance, some of the quests require random drops.
    It only works wireless, so you guys would have to be in the same room =p

    Although without wifi on your DS you're gonna miss a lotta items and extra quests.

    I have *sulks*
    If you get Jackal or Luke to get, you can always play co-op with 'em.

    Up to four player co-op, awesomesauce.
    IX right? The beginning is a little slow, gets better once you get out of Angel Falls.
    I looked it up after you told me about it. I love on the back of one of the signs it says
    "Blu was here,
    Red is babies."
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