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  • Ahhh, why did you have to remind me of my museum. lol
    I have two rooms done but the other two are just.....kinda there.
    Yeah the thought of having to create a second house is exciting one second and
    then spirit crushing the next. lol Since my main has designs for her home and a park area I need more space. ; n ;

    Awesome! Now I can stalk your town as much as I want to. o' u 'o
    Well I've been playing for a year so I should have everything done. > n >"
    I guess I've just been occupied with collecting everything and it's taken me a bit.
    Today I started my mule to hold my paths today though. ; u ;

    I hope you get to finish yours in time though!
    Sucks you won't have wifi when you get to college. I'll
    miss invading your town all the time. XD
    Smiles make everything better. EVERYTHING. :)
    Well, maybe I'll try to find somebody later but I'm working on my town
    right now. I've been a lazy butt and I need to get to work. XD
    I've decided to just poke you here. o v o d

    I killed all the bug and fish related badges pretty early.
    The only one that seems hard to me right now is the stupid weed one.

    Beautiful ordinance is killing me. OTL
    Alright! My gates will be opened and ready! I'll end after the trade so I can go pick up something I ordered from someone (u v u)
    I apologize I took so long, I had to go drop off/pick up my sibling from an appointment!! Yeah, if you'd like to do it in my town I'm more than fine with that! Whenever you'd like me to open my gates, just drop a message and I'll do so! (And do expect a tip!)
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