R R rojo Jul 30, 2014 Hi! Sorry I took so long, but I just got freed up for the rest of the day. Let me finish up one trade right now, and let me know when you're free
Hi! Sorry I took so long, but I just got freed up for the rest of the day. Let me finish up one trade right now, and let me know when you're free
Lady Black Jul 30, 2014 That's fine with me. :3 Just VM or PM me when you're on then, as we both have the same time zone c: Any time after 5 is fine.
That's fine with me. :3 Just VM or PM me when you're on then, as we both have the same time zone c: Any time after 5 is fine.
Lady Black Jul 30, 2014 Heck yea I'm interested c: & if it's refurbished gold, then that's even better
amymay Jul 30, 2014 Hi, that's no problem at all! I'll be on all night so I'm sure we'll cross paths. Haha I've been looking for it for a while but can never afford the auction prices so I'm very grateful for the payment!
Hi, that's no problem at all! I'll be on all night so I'm sure we'll cross paths. Haha I've been looking for it for a while but can never afford the auction prices so I'm very grateful for the payment!
Axeler137 Jul 29, 2014 You are perfectly fine! Don't worry about it! When I saw your update, I just sent the monies so I didn't forget later.
You are perfectly fine! Don't worry about it! When I saw your update, I just sent the monies so I didn't forget later.
Swiftstream Jul 28, 2014 Quick sketch of what I've been doin' Hope you like it so far! I'm almost done!