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  • To answer your question to Chromie, those Pikachus are fighting because of Mewtwo (watch the first Pokemon movie, Mewtwo Strikes Back and you'll see).

    I was checking my activity log and I just happened to see your question pop up, so here you go.
    Yes, as much as I love art what I am doing right now is more important. I'm hoping to get back to it soon.
    Okay I'm terribly sorry again, but I'm in the middle of doing my GCSE course work and I barely get a chance to go on ACNL >.<
    They should rename the main site the forest, and there you can click on different trees to get to different sites. [I am secretly a genius, shocker I know]
    I noticed people selling their Nintendo Coins, I might do that after I get the stuff I want. I have about 4000 coins, probably 2000 after i buy everything
    Hm, I feel like they should considering how the currency for the site works. It would take me 5 million years to get that many tbt bells. But it will only take me two hours of work to get 10 dollars. #unpopularopinion
    Hm? I tried looking for it and I couldn't see it?
    NOTE: My eyes tend not to work when I am looking for something specifically.
    I don't know why this site won't let us use real money.
    Like I would actually give someone ten dollars straight up.
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