Hey Apples! Hopping by for some confetti dusting! I just started the event yesterday, but I hope you've been enjoying it! It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!
My ACNL HD Remake Suggestions Blog is now live! Be sure to check it out while you go dusting on my profile. If you have any comments, you can respond by commenting on my blog or on this profile post.
BREAKING NEWS! Apples are now rolling all over TBT, collecting all of the confetti they can find. Reports state that confetti is as hot as 100°F (38°C).
Hardest Super Mario Sunshine Shines (in no particular order):
Lily Pad Ride: I have 114 Shines right now. 5 of them are blue coins, and the last one is this. The fact that it takes ten years to even get to the stage does not help at all
Pachinko Machine: in this stage, the physics go out the window. According to Mario Wiki and TV Tropes, this stage actually has an invisible force pushing you to the right to make it harder to get the coins on the left