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  • Even though I hate Mollycord more than TV.com, I still can’t forget how bad TV.com was. On that site, even the slightest of annoyances (intentional or not) can net you a warning. If part of your post is off-topic, then the whole post is an off-topic violation. And responding to users who are off-topic is a forum violation too. It’s been 16 years since I was on TV.com, and I’m still mad at the staff and some of the users.

    The staff also seem oblivious to harassment if one user makes multiple reports against another user over legit forum violations.
    Another bad forum I was a member of was Cartoon Network’s forums. All posts were submission-based, you can’t create a new topic, and the swear filter blocks many words, including “money”, “s”, “steal”, “takes”, “luv”, and “touch”. They think if any word has any inappropriate context, then the whole word is offensive. Technically, that’s the entire English language. Any word can be used in an inappropriate context. It’s just some words that cannot be used in an appropriate context.
    I would also like to mention that there is at least something positive about Mollycord. They are more respectful to the TGAMM fandom than Owlphibia.
    A couple months ago, I took a political quiz called “12 axes”. It’s long, but one of the most accurate ones. Here’s where I stand on each. Read each reply for more details.
    Diplomatic - A strong national defense is necessary for our nation, but I believe in peace more than war. I’m also patriotic and would prioritize America over other nations. I would be in favor of cultural diversity, but if foreigners want to live in America, they have to throw out customs that aren’t compatible with American culture and law (and yes, all language and food are compatible).
    Economic - I’m definitely in favor of the markets over equality. Especially on the topics of freedom and control. But even I have my limits on capitalism. I believe in reasonable regulations (like minimum wage, bans on discrimination, and limiting corporate greed), as there should be no ruling class. But freedom and property rights are important. As for international trade, I favor both domestic goods and foreign goods.
    Societal - I’m more of a traditionalist than a progressive, but I’m more of a moderate. However, if you separate technology from social issues and religious issues, then I’m definitely traditional on the latter two, and progressive on the technological issues. The only exceptions are that I’m pro-LGBT, pro-feminism, anti-AI, and anti-theocracy. I’m also in favor of resisting change, rather than reversing it.
    Hi! I just made another post in your Nook's Cranny thread but it merged, so please check it out.
    Grammar Tip of the day:

    Use “okay” when referring to condition, but “ok” when referring to agreement. I’m not okay with you mixing these words up, ok?
    After some users complained that this site fosters bothsidesism, I decided to do some research on what that means. I can see what they’re talking about. I have to agree that some issues (especially science issues) can’t be debated. Even if you have a valid reason not to support policies or programs backed by science, you can’t deny science.

    I think they’re upset at the moderation system for punishing people who engage in political arguments, even when they’re in the right. Personally, I think the moderators are right. In a normal situation, it’s just as bad to fight back as it is to provoke people into fighting, and political dramas are no different.
    I do know one example of bothsidesism in history - those compromises on slavery in America. Both the Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850 were meant to give a balance in power to both slavery supporters and slavery opponents. Problem is, slavery is a human rights violation, and you can’t negotiate on or defend human rights violations. If anything, the 13th Amendment was the correct way to compromise on the issue.
    Remember: true friendships last forever. If you’re good friends with someone in real life or online, and not in a toxic relationship, then you have no reason to break friendship with them.
    This collectible sidebar is too cold to even look at.
    That's actually super pretty! 🐳❄️
    At least the “cool feather” and “frost egg” aren’t as cold as the blue star fragment. As long as it’s glowing, it’s powerful enough to grow ice caps in the Gulf of Mexico once dropped.
    Advice of the day:

    Junk food may taste good, but they don’t have any nutritional value. That is something you should only have every once in a while.
    Advice of the day:

    Just because some people or groups can’t do something or don’t do something doesn’t mean nobody else should do it or even talk about it. You don’t have to censor holidays or other stuff to be more inclusive of other groups. You just need to respect them.
    Hi! Thank you for the bells. I'll consider getting one there once I save up some more TBT.
    Advice of the day:

    When it comes to individual words themselves, the worst thing you could say are racial slurs. But when it comes to phrases, the most offensive things you could say are death threats (especially terroristic threats). We must avoid the extremes at all costs.

    But if you want to be a good human being, you shouldn’t even say bad words or use rude language (including “stupid” and “shut up”). As part of being respectful, you should talk more kindly and don’t be mean verbally.
    Hmm, I just realized I need to visit your island to give you the roses, because I don't think you can dig to get them on my island! (I was going to post in your thread but I didn't want it to merge)
    I enjoyed the riddles the other day! I can’t believe I managed to get half of them! Turns out I remembered more math than I thought!
    When I first did those riddles, I was confused, but I didn’t realize that they’re trying to mess with language or facts. Like that Mount Everest one, it’s always been the highest point even before discovery.
    Yeah, I had to think over them several times!
    So I just talked to a Mollycord admin on Discord last night about my rants I posted on TBT. On top of talking harshly, he called my descriptions of the server “false” and said that I truly was misbehaving. He also stuck to his incurable biases that being involved in the chain of responsibility or being neutral to an issue makes you complicit in a crime against humanity. He wants me to educate myself before I can discuss serious subjects and learn to claim accountability for my actions.
    I, however, learned different lessons on my own. Here are the real lessons to follow:
    1. If someone is too biased or polarized in a political issue, it’s not worth your time to reason with them.
    2. If you are or have ever been a conservative, you should refrain from discussing politics in a community for cartoon fans, especially if it’s for a Disney channel show.
    3. Moderation systems aren’t going to be the same on every site or server. What’s acceptable on one site is unacceptable on another.
    I forgot to add, even if I do acknowledge an error in my behavior, and everyone agrees with the server mods, he still used profanity when describing my poor behavior and enforced his subjective moral standards. No mature moderator would cuss people out. Had it been a Bell Tree moderator that privately discussed my behavior, they wouldn’t be swearing or using biased language.
    No, I’m not under 1,000 TBT again. I put that in my ABD so I can have at least 1,000 TBT at all times.

    Now if I do get back up at 10,000 TBT, I’ll probably hide that in my ABD as well.
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