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  • Litten's final evolution doesn't appeal to me at all, so definitely one of the others! I'm always a fan of the Water starters but I can't deny the appeal of a Grass/Ghost type as my starter, since Ghost types are and have always been my favorite. I probably won't decide until if/when I get the game.
    I wanna say it's for one of two reasons:

    1) Being that it never really left in my opinion, most people who wanted more Star Wars are getting it in the form of comics, books, TV shows and more. At most there's been this longing to find out what Rogue One is about and then they finally began giving us trailers and details and whatnot.

    2) Is that most people only care about the numbered releases and were mostly excited to see how they'd follow up Return of the Jedi. Fans of all ages could easily get behind that and then just wait until the next numbered release. Kinda doubt most would be interested in a Star Wars movie without Jedis.
    I personally have an affinity for balls made of nothing more than cat hair and rubber cement.
    Thank you oh, so much for the bells! You're such a generous person, just giving someone 360 BTB like that, you know.
    alrighty so if you're looking for 100 mill I can do about 20 mill a day if i get the chance to visit your town. (I might not be able to because of the RV's I've been hosting)
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