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  • I can in about 5 minutes. I have another one to pick up then I have to TT [Thank god, I have 8 villagers currently. I didn't think both would be done at once]
    Sure I am! ATM I try to get room for her via cycling! Can we try getting the trade done tomorrow?
    Hello! You have guessed correctly in my Chocolate Cake giveaway!
    However, I didn't issue a rule about same number guesses or keep track of them very well(oops 3 people guessed 74).
    So I'm gonna need you to pick a number between 1-100 and I will go from there.
    Thank you!
    No problem! My FC is 0275-9656-5524 and I'll add you when I get yer FC. Just give me a heads up when you want me to head into yer town.
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