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  • You got it! I'll add your fc now, do you mind predropping the bells (preferred) or retail?
    Oh right sorry I didn't see it under your icon at first! I just added you.
    You rather come to my town right? I'll open my gates as soon as I transfer the TBT
    10 clovers for 100 TBT right? :)
    aww yes, thank you! I'll have to take him in the wrong town for now since my last villager i need to get out is being stubborn.
    I sure am! Thank you for remembering :)
    I am busy the rest of the night unfortunately, but i come home from school at 4pm central time tomorrow! when are you available?
    I tried to PM your finished ref sheet, but your inbox was full. D: Please makes some room. Thanks~
    Gah, I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! I was afk. DX Poncho was actually intended for my brother. He was initially trying to decide between a couple of jocks since Mott moved out (Poncho being one of them), but I think now he's finally decided on Teddy. Thanks so much for your offer, though! My brother and I really appreciate it! :)
    Oh wait, false alarm. I didn't realize I had to play a day after my villager moved out before Teddy would start placing his plot. Thanks again for Teddy!
    Hey, this might be a long shot, but is Teddy still in your town? I know he agreed to come to my town and I don't remember us having an error, but his plot isn't showing up in my town no matter how far forward I TT. This happened to me once with Kiki and I had to come adopt her a second time.
    Oh wait, I just realized I have nine villagers instead of ten. I forgot I moved someone out last night. If I have nine villagers, can I pick up a villager in boxes even if I have one in boxes too? If so, I can come get Teddy now!
    Yep, still looking for Teddy! The person who was taking my villager is an hour and a half late and they haven't been online in three hours, but they did say they have stuff coming up that they didn't realize before. Is it alright if I give them maybe half an hour before voiding him? If you can't wait that long for me, I can void the villager now and try to give them something else to make up for it (they just wanted any lazy villager so I'm sure they can find someone else).
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