mdchan Oct 22, 2014 All set! I added your FC, so just let me know when to come over (I guess I'll send the TBT afterwards, then?).
All set! I added your FC, so just let me know when to come over (I guess I'll send the TBT afterwards, then?).
Lovelylexi Oct 21, 2014 Could you give me around 10 minutes or so to try and give Jitters away to someone and then I'll be ready?
Could you give me around 10 minutes or so to try and give Jitters away to someone and then I'll be ready?
MattKimura Oct 17, 2014 Asuka! I'm good ^_^ I missed you <3 Don't be afraid to ask me for anything you need, I'm always here for you :3 I miss doing things for you o:
Asuka! I'm good ^_^ I missed you <3 Don't be afraid to ask me for anything you need, I'm always here for you :3 I miss doing things for you o:
Coach Oct 16, 2014 Sure, you can buy one of my cakes! I can send it when I am next online and have the TBT.
especia Oct 15, 2014 ah ok, i have a second town that i dont really use if you want to clear your void though! im not really getting much response for carmen and i really need her out ahah
ah ok, i have a second town that i dont really use if you want to clear your void though! im not really getting much response for carmen and i really need her out ahah