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  • How about 30 BTB with Lopez?
    And alright. I'll pay as soon as my friend adds you. :)
    Then after I can give you Lopez
    Sorry I never responded for Merengue but she is already in my town! Thanks for the vm about her though, I hope she gets a great home! c:
    Alright, she's in her town! Sorry if it felt like I pressured you, I promise I didn't mean to do so! c:
    got fauna :) whats your timezone? just so i know whens the latest youll be on
    someone wanted goldie but idk if theyre going to adopt... if not ill void and start cycling again.
    ahh okay yeah thats fine!
    whos cycling thread is it? if you let them know you'll be buying but ill be picking her up then that works for me c:
    i cycle quite rapidly. but have a lot of tier 2's in my town atm, which i keep for 3-4 hours.
    although it's 5pm here, so i'm sure she'll be ready to leave by tonight.
    hii, i could do that :] may i ask what shes being held for?
    if it's just transferring between two towns I don't mind.
    but if it's to go through the 16 cycle I usually decline, because it takes forever for some people to do.
    hi! you reserved Shep on my cycling thread a little while ago and he is in boxes :) it'd be great if you could pick him up tonight before 8:30 pm EST, as I am trying to make room for merengue :3
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