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  • Hi can we just go through with Mookie's offer please? Because it's going to take me forever to get you all the bells :(
    Oh that makes sense. but it would be a couple buy outs because i can only carry so much bells at a time. Unless it can pull bells from my account? Its just that it's a lot of bells so it will take some time for me to carry it into my bank
    Mookie was going to buy him for me but I guess she's offline now.
    I can definitely give you in game bells. How does 5 mil sound?
    Okay! Gates are open to Aquari! Feel free to take whatever you like perfect apples, bamboos some hybrids :)
    Just disregard my first VM. The first person I asked just got back to me! If that falls through for any reason, I'll let you know. I'm so sorry!
    I was just wondering if you are still looking to sell Julian? If you are, I would be interested in buying him for my niece. I would just have to wait until she comes over later today before I could trade.
    Oh! You're right: My note never got posted. My offer was to come with you to your island and help you pick flowers. You wanted just white tulips and white roses, right? I'm on a trade at the moment but VM me back if you want me to come by. I landscaped my town in hundreds of white cosmos using the island tours.
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