Dim Jun 10, 2019 Hooray for nothing! Oh so that’s where you got? I just looked it up the original anime is so old wow!
Hooray for nothing! Oh so that’s where you got? I just looked it up the original anime is so old wow!
Dim Jun 10, 2019 Same lol. I’m finally off from work but don’t have anything better to do. I’ve done nothing but browse tbt and play smash the past few days >.> What anime is that? c:
Same lol. I’m finally off from work but don’t have anything better to do. I’ve done nothing but browse tbt and play smash the past few days >.> What anime is that? c:
Dim Jun 8, 2019 “excellent typo spotter” lol thank you but I’m actually really bad at that. The minute I post something I end up seeing a goof I missed. XD
“excellent typo spotter” lol thank you but I’m actually really bad at that. The minute I post something I end up seeing a goof I missed. XD
Dim Jun 8, 2019 “Look up when the world get you down...” Correct me if I’m wrong but shouldn’t it be ‘gets’?
Dim Jun 1, 2019 Yes it did! Not feeling lightheaded anymore either. Thanks for asking! How have you been?
A A Alienfish May 28, 2019 bruh nice top u posted on marshie's page i have one of those but it's more hawaii/palm tree prints aha
bruh nice top u posted on marshie's page i have one of those but it's more hawaii/palm tree prints aha
That Marshal Fangirl May 27, 2019 Oh man, you look great! The outfit's really nice, too. It makes me think of the beach.
That Marshal Fangirl May 26, 2019 That's cool! I went shopping today, too. I plan on going on a hike tomorrow. c:
That Marshal Fangirl May 25, 2019 I'm out of college for summer so I forgot it was Memorial Day weekend! Lol. How's yours going, boo?