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  • That’s very kind of you! I’m just afraid I may bother you with my venting.
    Ooh, congrats haha! ;D

    Lmao it is soooo thrilling :rolleyes: and we got out of church not too long ago aslkdfjsf
    Ah, well hope you can find somethin' cute today! <3

    It's been going well so far, thanks man! Just got back from work, and I'm about to go to church with my family. alskdjfsdf
    Thanks! There’s just been a lot on my mind that’s kinda been stressing me out :|

    That’s great! I hope you have a good time! Tbh I just switch to shorts and call it spring/summer clothing haha
    I’m doing alright, just been really tired and lightheaded for some reason. I hope I’ll be fine by memorial weekend because things will be very busy for me. >.>
    How are you? c:
    Hi I just joined this website, please can you help me out?! I've got gracie in my town and have no "modern clothes" to pass the fashion check!

    Big thanks if you can, drop me a message! My name's Rach
    Hmm no I don’t think so. Only cheesecake I’ve ever had was regular and strawberry. What about mint chocolate cheesecake? Do those exist?
    Chocolate, even better! I actually never had chocolate cheesecake before, it seems so good! :p
    Not to seem like a stalker but I just realized your exactly one day older then me woah
    Sound boring as hell. I always hated cursive handwriting myself. My regular handwriting is bad enough but when I write in cursive it’s just... god awful. XD
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